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7817 Tenants in Netherlands

Judith 30
Female · Working
Hoi ik ben Judith en ik zoek een kamer in Zwolle en omgeving. Vanaf Mai begin ik hier met mijn nieuwe baan. In mijn vrije tijd ga ik graag boulderen en ik houd erg van koken :)
Searching in: Zwolle | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 1000,- p/mnd
Wojciech 34
Male · Working
Searching in: Rotterdam + 10 Km | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 6000,- p/mnd
Amber 20
Female · Student
Hoi, in september 2024 ga ik aan m’n eerste jaar aan de Hanze beginnen met de opleiding International Communication. Ik kom uit Doetinchem (de Achterhoek) en werk nu als caissière bij een Plus
Searching in: Groningen + 10 Km Indefinite period | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 600,- p/mnd
Fleur 18
Female · Student
Searching in: Utrecht + 1 Km | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 6000,- p/mnd
Johannes 20
Male · Student
Searching in: Rotterdam + 10 Km | 1,2,4 | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 1000,- p/mnd
Rhania 24
Female · Working student
Hoi, mijn naam is Rhania, 24 jaar. Over twee maanden ben ik klaar met mijn studie Social work. Ondertussen woon ik 4 jaar in Utrecht. De stad bevalt me heel erg, in verband met mijn huis uit moeten, ben ik op zoek naar een nieuwe plek. Ik werk met een vast contract bij een kinderdagcentrum. Dit is ook hoe ik de rekeningen zal kunnen betalen. Vanaf mei zou ik kunnen verhuizen. Ik ben op zoek naar iets zonder eind datum. Deze woning zag er leuk uit vandaar mijn reactie. Ik hoop dat ik een keer langs kan komen om de ruimte te bekijken.
Searching in: Utrecht | Min. 18 m2 | Max. € 900,- p/mnd
Melissa 26
Female · Working
Searching in: Amsterdam + 2 Km | Min. 10 m2 | Max. € 900,- p/mnd
Thomas 26
Male · Looking for a job
I am a 26 year old man with German nationality. I am in the Netherlands doing an internship at the University of Utrecht while looking for a more permanent position. I am respectful, clean, and easy-going. I also have a lot of experience living with flatmates.
Searching in: Utrecht + 10 Km | 1,2 | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 1000,- p/mnd
Roos 24
Female · Student
Ik ben een 24 jarige geneeskunde student, daarnaast ben ik ook parttime student doktersassistent in het AMC. Ik ben geen feeststudent, maar ik bezoek graag musea of nieuwe steden met mijn vriendinnen. Momenteel woon ik nog bij mijn ouders in Hoevelaken en ik zou graag in een netjes en gezellig huis wonen dichter bij het AMC!
Searching in: Amsterdam + 5 Km | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 800,- p/mnd
Francesco 23
Male · Working
Hoi! :) Ik kom uit Venetië, Italië en werk momenteel bij Ecorys. Mijn vriend en ik zijn op zoek naar een gezellige woning in de prachtige Utrecht! We zijn allebei heel vriendelijke, schone en rustige jongemannen en we houden van fietsen, volleybal, filmpjes kijken, talen leren en veel meer! Persoonlijk werk ik als adviseur voor mobiliteit en infrastructuur, voor een betere leefomgeving in onze steden! Mijn bruto maandinkomen bedraagt 3150€ en dat van mijn vriend is rond de 1500€ p/m. We kunnen ook een garantsteller bieden voor extra garantie! We zouden erg graag met u contact opnemen om u over ons meer te laten weten en wellicht straks ook naar uw prachtige huurwoning te verhuizen! Hopelijk tot snel! 😊
Searching in: Utrecht + 10 Km | Min. 10 m2 | Max. € 1500,- p/mnd
Hannah 24
Female · Student
Hoi and hello! Mijn naam is Hannah, ik ben 24 jaar oud en kom uit Aken in Duitsland. I graduated in "Politics and Society" and "English Studies" from Bonn University and would like to continue my studies at Leiden University. But don't worry, I'm not as boring as my studies sound. I'm an outgoing, communicative person who likes to spend time in nature but also enjoys cozy evenings reading books, writing and watching movies. In my free time, I like to cook, bake and try out new things. The newest addition to that is archery (and I haven't shot anyone yet out of accident, so that's a bonus). Although I like to spend time with other people, I'm a calm person who also appreciates peace and quiet sometimes. So concerning that, I'm a quiet, unobtrusive roommate. Living together is about respecting each others needs and wishes. You want to spend your evening alone or simply sit together for company? That's fine. You want to have long and fun conversations about books, history, TV shows and all things under the sun? Also fine, I'm your woman. So that's me so far. I'd be happy if that sparked your interest. Something else that might be good to know is that I'm fluent in both English and German. I also speak a little Dutch, since I've started to learn it, but so far it's mostly understanding what people say. But that'll improve over time since the reminder-Owl from my language learning app Duolingo is quite persistent. Tot ziens and hopefully see you soon!
Searching in: Leiden Indefinite period | 1,2,4,8 | Min. 12 m2 | Max. € 700,- p/mnd
Vaiva 19
Female · Student
Hello! :) My name is Vaiva. Currently, I am studying my first year of Media and Culture programme at Utrecht University. I aspire to become a journalist and felt like the programme that Utrecht University offers fit my needs almost perfectly. This is my first time living abroad but Utrecht could not be more welcoming and charming as a city. What is more, I work in a grocery delivery company here in Utrecht called Picnic. More about me. I am searching for a room or studio to move out to since my living conditions now are pretty unfortunate. I share housing facilities with about 15 other people, mostly older men. The place is dirty, old, and poorly managed. That is why I would love to move out to a more looked after place, it would greatly affect my mental health. I am a friendly, responsible, and outgoing person. I love to sing, watch movies, go out, and have fun, but I also enjoy my time sometimes. I adore animals and get along with everyone, I try to be polite and reasonable in all situations. I would be happy to answer other questions if necessary!
Searching in: Utrecht + 10 Km | 1,4 | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 800,- p/mnd
Stephanie 25
Female · Working
Searching in: Amsterdam + 5 Km | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 6000,- p/mnd
Fede 20
Male · Working student
Searching in: Groningen + 10 Km | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 6000,- p/mnd
José 18
Female · Student
Looking for a room for the the year 2024/2025; I am Portuguese, very clean and quiet
Searching in: Groningen + 5 Km | 1,2 | Min. 12 m2 | Max. € 6000,- p/mnd
Raoul 99
I am renting out some space from my apartment. Since I also will stay in the apartment I will be your host (not a student), and as we may spend some time in the same apartment it may be a good idea to share some info about myself. I am broadly interested. I consider myself a social person. I like to be in contact with other people from all kinds of origin and like to talk about all kinds of subjects. I am an alpha as well as a beta person, I am into technical stuff as well as into languages. I do a lot of fitness at home. I have done all kinds of interesting things mostly on the area of IT, but have stopped working on a fixed position for a while now. I am not the type working with a fixed agenda, I eat when I want, sleep when I want, go out where and when I want, but I am quite punctial with my appointments and rules. Also I keep all my business in good order. I am rather experienced with renting to expats, young foreigners and Dutch people, though not in the house where I live myself, so this is new to me, but I am open to new things.
Searching in: Den Haag | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 6000,- p/mnd
Daniela 18
Female · Student
Hi! I’m Daniela, a Mexican-Spanish student who’s gonna studyy in the Netherlands starting August 2024, hence I am looking for a place to live when the time comes for me to go there. I consider myself to be a very sociable person, I love meeting new people and going out with friends. Some of my interests include playing the cello, cooking and reading. Animals and nature bring me great joy, and my lifelong dream is to have my own garden someday. I'm overall a pretty chill person, and I consider myself to be a very caring one as well. Thank you for reading this and I hope to meet you soon! Kind regards, Daniela
Searching in: Nijmegen | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 600,- p/mnd
Thomas 29
Male · Looking for a job
Good morning, My name is Thomas. At the moment i live in Italy but i have to come to live to Amsterdam soon. I'm looking for a house there because I have received some job offers. Hope you can help me :)
Searching in: Amsterdam + 10 Km | Min. 6 m2 | Max. € 700,- p/mnd